• 8 years ago
Posted/04/20/2017 Has Obama been arrested in Japan? Barack Obama dealing drugs, Cocaine with Afghani

Has the first black president of the United States ever been arrested in the country of one of our closest allies? Wow that's so raci….
Uhm, yes of course back in 2009, Obama visited Japan for the first time and he was presidenting while black. Japanese officials didnt know what to do when they saw so much blackness, on such a smart, successful man, and stunningly handsome mofo and so they locked him up, and didn't tell anyone about it.

The reason why you don't hear this on the fake news CNN, and from news castors like sleepy eyes Chuck Todd is because it'd make their supreme leader Barack Obama look bad. Obama controls every news network that isn't fox and breitbart. Paid for and controlled by the liberal media!
After Barack was interrogated by the Japanese he knew his place! He fell in line, and Shinzo Abe became one of his closest friends.

Barack didnt wanna go back to jail you see! No black man wants to go back to jail! Because of this, he listened to every single demand by our Japanese ally.
President Obama and Japan of course hid this story, and it is impossible to find out all the details, but I assure you, the story Im telling you is true! Heard it off Alex Jones the other day.

No legitimate news organization has reported anything like this.
President Obama was arrested in Japan in connection with the seizure of massive amounts of cocaine on his yacht.

Published on Apr/ 17/ 2017
Reports coming in that Obama has been detained by US Military and that he's singing about the drugs. Well, maybe and maybe not. Solid evidence has not been confirmed but origin of the story has. Benjamin Fulford, a Canadian living in Japan cast the story out to the web. There has been no confirmation from any other source yet. As I say, I'll believe it when I see or read it from plausible sources.

Benjamin Fulford Report

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