The Truth About Sugar Addiction and Detox - Full Length Documentary
CLICK ► [] for The 21-Day Sugar Detox System.
Scientists have found that sugar is highly addictive and stimulates the same pleasure centers of the brain as cocaine or heroin. A sugar addiction can lead to health problems as well as the emotional and psychological pain of living with an addiction. Just like those hard-core drugs, getting off sugar leads to withdrawal and cravings, requiring an actual sugar detox process to wean off.
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Details of this video:
The Truth About Sugar Addiction and Detox - Full Length Documentary
Twitter: http://BestDramaTv.Net
CLICK ► [] for The 21-Day Sugar Detox System.
Scientists have found that sugar is highly addictive and stimulates the same pleasure centers of the brain as cocaine or heroin. A sugar addiction can lead to health problems as well as the emotional and psychological pain of living with an addiction. Just like those hard-core drugs, getting off sugar leads to withdrawal and cravings, requiring an actual sugar detox process to wean off.
This video is related to the following subjects:
documentary full length,
documentaries national geographic,
documentaries history channel full length,
documentaries bbc,
documentaries about drugs,
documentaries food,
documentary health,
documentary diabetes,
documentary vegan,
documentary weight loss,
sugar addiction,
sugar detox,
Details of this video:
The Truth About Sugar Addiction and Detox - Full Length Documentary
Twitter: http://BestDramaTv.Net
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