By Olivia - Age 13 | Comment and like below, then tell us your story at or our iPhone app. Record and submit for a chance to get animated.
Olivia just woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and HAD ACNE all over her forehead. OMG, pimples everywhere! She had no idea she had skin problems. And everyone noticed - how could they not - and she was totally embarrassed, wanted to hide, disappear. And she tried everything - popping the pimples, but that made it worse, using make-up to cover up the zits, but that also made it worse, even getting different colored contacts to distract people from her acne covered forehead, but that didn't last long. She prayed at night to have the acne clear up, but her prayers ware not answered.
She thought to herself, "I've got these acne pimples on my forehead and trying to distract people's attention away from them is not working. I need to understand what a dermatologist doctor would do." Finally, she does something kind of simple - she washes her face, and the pimples begin to go away. Getting rid of the pimples and acne became possible and gave her hope. Taking a medical approach and washing her face and skin, she found an answer to clear skin again. No more acne, pimples, zits, whiteheads, blackheads, bumps or scars. She learned how to stop her acne and clear her face. Good skincare was the answer.
But she also realizes that no matter how she felt about it when it was happening, it was temporary, and it would go away, and that beauty, of course, is more than skin deep!
Instagram: @thestorybooth
G+: ...
Real Stories, Animated. Storybooth is a digital platform that invites kids to record and submit their stories with a chance to have them animated and shared with the world. Embarrassment, heartbreak, challenges or triumphs; funny, sad, serious, or silly - we're looking for all kinds of stories - they just need to be real. Stories we select are then turned into animations and are published and distributed online for viewing, sharing, and engaging with on computers, tablets, and mobile devices. http://BestDramaTv.Net
Olivia just woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and HAD ACNE all over her forehead. OMG, pimples everywhere! She had no idea she had skin problems. And everyone noticed - how could they not - and she was totally embarrassed, wanted to hide, disappear. And she tried everything - popping the pimples, but that made it worse, using make-up to cover up the zits, but that also made it worse, even getting different colored contacts to distract people from her acne covered forehead, but that didn't last long. She prayed at night to have the acne clear up, but her prayers ware not answered.
She thought to herself, "I've got these acne pimples on my forehead and trying to distract people's attention away from them is not working. I need to understand what a dermatologist doctor would do." Finally, she does something kind of simple - she washes her face, and the pimples begin to go away. Getting rid of the pimples and acne became possible and gave her hope. Taking a medical approach and washing her face and skin, she found an answer to clear skin again. No more acne, pimples, zits, whiteheads, blackheads, bumps or scars. She learned how to stop her acne and clear her face. Good skincare was the answer.
But she also realizes that no matter how she felt about it when it was happening, it was temporary, and it would go away, and that beauty, of course, is more than skin deep!
Instagram: @thestorybooth
G+: ...
Real Stories, Animated. Storybooth is a digital platform that invites kids to record and submit their stories with a chance to have them animated and shared with the world. Embarrassment, heartbreak, challenges or triumphs; funny, sad, serious, or silly - we're looking for all kinds of stories - they just need to be real. Stories we select are then turned into animations and are published and distributed online for viewing, sharing, and engaging with on computers, tablets, and mobile devices. http://BestDramaTv.Net
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