THE PLANE THAT VANISHED, The Crash of Adam Air Flight 574
On 1 January 2007, a Boeing 737-4Q8, operated by Adam Air as flight DHI 574, was on a flight from Surabaya, East Java to Manado, Sulawesi, at FL 350 (35,000 feet) when it suddenly disappeared from radar. There were 102 people on board. . Nine days later wreckage was found floating in the sea near the island of Sulawesi. The black boxes revealed that the pilots were so engrossed in trouble shooting the IRS that they forgot to fly the plane, resulting in the crash that cost the lives of all aboard.
Maut boleh menemui kita dalam pelbagai cara. Mari kita jadikan rakaman ini satu pengajaran untuk segera mendekatkan diri kepada Allah. Sementara itu teruskan berdoa agar MH 370 tidak menerima nasib yang sama InsyaAllah.
Koleksi video Pendidikan Rumah Pengasih Warga Prihatin. KAMI paparkan buat renungan masyarakat, khusus untuk merenung situasi Akhlak semasa, agar sama-sama dapat menzikirkan dan mencari hidayah untuk memperbaikinya. http://BestDramaTv.Net
On 1 January 2007, a Boeing 737-4Q8, operated by Adam Air as flight DHI 574, was on a flight from Surabaya, East Java to Manado, Sulawesi, at FL 350 (35,000 feet) when it suddenly disappeared from radar. There were 102 people on board. . Nine days later wreckage was found floating in the sea near the island of Sulawesi. The black boxes revealed that the pilots were so engrossed in trouble shooting the IRS that they forgot to fly the plane, resulting in the crash that cost the lives of all aboard.
Maut boleh menemui kita dalam pelbagai cara. Mari kita jadikan rakaman ini satu pengajaran untuk segera mendekatkan diri kepada Allah. Sementara itu teruskan berdoa agar MH 370 tidak menerima nasib yang sama InsyaAllah.
Koleksi video Pendidikan Rumah Pengasih Warga Prihatin. KAMI paparkan buat renungan masyarakat, khusus untuk merenung situasi Akhlak semasa, agar sama-sama dapat menzikirkan dan mencari hidayah untuk memperbaikinya. http://BestDramaTv.Net