• 8 years ago
In this,we will going to learn about the importance of the pranayama in our daily life.Pranayama is the part of the Yoga.”


It is the kind of science which help in curing the mental and physical diseases.It reduces the stress level and eliminates the stress level and eliminates fatique due to overload of the work.It provides us concentration.According to the patanjali yoga sutra,during pranayama we inhale and exhale air.In other words,in pranayama,the regulation of breath occurs.The air which we inhale is called svasa.The air we exhale is called pravasa.
While doing pranayama we get energy from the universe.When we exhale air through the nostrils,all the body toxins comes out.Pranayama is also useful for samadhi-the ultimate concentration.In India,many spiritual scholars are teaching pranayam like Swami Ramdev & Shri Ravi shanker.At last ,it controls our body metabolism and balance hormones.Body metabolism like prana for respiration,apana for digestion,udana for food swallowing & vyana for circulation of blood.
The word ‘prana’ means breath.The word ‘ayam’ means to control and regulate.When we inhale the air through the nostrils,the oxygen and the prana enters into our bodies.Prana is cosmic energy and connects to the universe.The prana is also found in the food.The prana are rich in the vegetarian diet and less in the non vegetarian diet.It improves the kundali shakti for the positive sights.

It provides the peace of the mind.
It improves the digestive system and its processes.
It increases the metabolism of the human body and mind.
It will increase the metabolism of the male and female reproductive system.
It provides the oxygen to the brain.
It improves the better respiratory process and cures the problems like asthma,sinus and allergy rhinitis.
It improves the blood circulation of the body.
It improves the pulse rate of the body.
It increases the glow on the face.
It increases the weight of the persons who are underweight.
It reduces the weight of the persons who are overweight.
It provides the positive mindset and eliminates the negative energy.
It provides the good sound health in the form of physical,emotion,mental,social,spiritual and psychological health.
It reduces the toxins from the human body.
It improves the nadis like idla,pingala & shushumna.
It improves the three main energy channels.
It provides the eight pillars to the development of the human body.
It provides the flexibility to the spine.
It increases the self-knowledge, self- awareness, self- consciousness and self-realization.
It will increase the will power and determination.
It will makes your mind to adopt the vegetarian diet and the satvic food.
It will eliminate the habit of eating the fast food and the non vegetarian diet.
It makes our mind connected to the environment and the nature.
It makes our mind connected to the Country affairs and become patriotism.
According to the patanjali sutras, pranayama is also parts of the yoga.
It makes your mind connect to the societies.
