GEP VO-2 Trial Case: STEMP L8 Surface Temperature Map, a systematic processing service on GEP

  • vor 7 Jahren
This movie presents how to navigate on the Geohazards Exploitation Platform. It shows the layer of the STEMP processing chain on the example of Volcano Reventador.

The STEMP processing chain allows to measure the temperature for areas identified as «thermally active» in the volcanic areas in quiescent phase (fumarol fields within active craters along fracture zones of volcanic edifices, or other areas with anomalous heat fluxes associated to volcanic acitvity). The service is based on EO optical data from Landsat-8, and will be adapted to other sources such as Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3. Output is a Surface Temperature Map in GeoTIFF format in a resolution between 10 and 1200m, depending on the Satellite sensor and bands used.


