The Obama Cult (Ruby Ridge Remix)

  • 16 years ago
Yes, it is a cult.

And David and his fellow Axelrodians worked their butts off to make it a cult, too. So take a bow, Dave.

Yeah, on second thought, don't take that bow.

Devoted fans fainting in their Leader's presence. Mind-numb drones who refuse to believe anything 'negative' about the Leader. Slavish devotion to the sect.

Only the best from director Paul F. Villarreal and If you want to read and see more about this disingenuous, unpatriotic chump running for President out of the state of Illinois, come and see us here:

We've got all the angles and all the stories that the mainstream press won't run about their Dear Leader. If we don't have the story, we know who does.

We have less than 6 months to work to protect our Democracy from the Wright-weaned, elitist pol. It will take all our efforts and American Know-How to prevent the man who wants to meet with Iran and who is backed by Hamas from becoming our next President. There is much work to be done.
