Buffy the Vampire Slayer turns 20 today! The popular 90s supernatural show began March 10, 1997 and its star, Sarah Michelle Gellar, wrote an emotional tribute on Instagram. 20 years ago today, I had the greatest privilege to bring Buffy to your TV screens for the first time. It was a long and challenging road to get there. First the movie, then a passed over pilot presentation, and eventually a midseason time slot on a little known network. That first season, we liked to think of ourselves as the little show that could. While we knew the potential, I don't think any of us saw the lasting impact our show would have. As an actor, you wish for that one role where you can leave your mark and forever be remembered, with Buffy I got so much more. She's a feminist challenge to gender hierarchy. Buffy may have been the Chosen One, but I was the lucky one, Gellar's co-stars, Alyson Hannigan and Anthony Stewart Head, also tweeted on the special occasion.