Mike Dolev and Josh Black eCom Momentum Shopify SCAM

  • 7 years ago
Mike Dolev a.k.a Yair Dolev & Josh Black a.k.a Yoshi Kaye eCom Momentum, DFY Shopify SCAM

Alert everyone to the scam of the month and this person in the video is Mike Dolev he claims to be an e-commerce expert and setting up over 500 stores some of them making as much as 90 thousand dollars in a month they claim to be super honest and these that create the problem for you stating that they can take you months and can take months and it can take your money to set up in e-commerce store including the Shopify one just you know has nice platform for setting up an e-commerce services a lot that goes into setting up an e-commerce store finding the right products and configuring the website suppliers manufacturers facebook ad setting up the drop shipping process if you're using drop shipping and the analysis of the store because you're always in to tweak it so they are saying that you can either do this yourself or they can do all of that all that above and more for you while you sit back and enjoy the results they tell you exactly how this is going to work they will handle everything right they will set your store up according to your niche and location Mike and Josh plus their expert staff will help you pick the niche that convert like crazy again none of this is done spoken to numerous people this is not done they don't do any of this they don't even talk to you if you send them facebook messages skype messages email messages they completely ignore you unless you ask for a refund and we're going to get to the refund just a minute all right you're going to set up your merchant setting your shipping the best products and they are also going to supply you with a supplier list and they going to do the research and send you over two and a PDF format design store logo no big deal anyone can do that and we're going to set up the best application so that you can double and or triple your profit it's okay they will do complete research about your needs and products intended to and PDF or not none of this happens please do not buy into this program and please do not trust either one of these two currently this is not the first time they've done this i have a video if you want it from someone who this all began in june we're going to test products and they're going to advertise for you and you can even start is on low as 5 eternal today which i know is true with question record he said that is true you're going to continuously manage and scale they're going to eliminate losing campaign check for winter campaigns search research new products trends every week ok then it can take months to create this manually but they are going to do it all for you they can't take care of all the hard work but they even give you an honesty disclaimer they're putting the honesty disclaimer in there stating that if you want them to do all the work that's fine we'll still make money but you'll make more money if you work with them and however you can't http://mikeandjosh.com/
