Lawyer’s Pants Set Ablaze In Midst Of Arson Trial

  • 7 years ago
A series of events nearly too bizarre to believe has potentially landed a Miami lawyer in trouble with the court. Attorney Stephen Gutierrez was in the midst of delivering a closing argument in an arson case when his pants caught on fire.

A series of events nearly too bizarre to believe has potentially landed a Miami lawyer in trouble with the court. 
On Wednesday, defense lawyer Stephen Gutierrez was in the midst of delivering a closing argument in an arson case when his pants caught on fire, reports the Miami Herald.
At the time, he was reportedly telling the jury that his client, Claudy Charles, did not intentionally set a car ablaze; rather, the car had ignited itself. 
NBC News reports that when Gutierrez noticed smoke coming from his pants pocket, he allegedly fled the courtroom.
Upon returning, he reported that the fire was caused by an e-cigarette battery and was not an attention-getting means of showing how his client’s car may have "spontaneously combusted."
The judge is considering whether or not to hold Gutierrez in contempt of court.