Fund It - Quick tour

  • il y a 7 ans est le premier portail français qui rassemble sur un site unique tous les appels de financements et de mobilités pour les chercheurs français et étrangers en sciences humaines et sociales. Notre chaîne publie des témoignages de chercheurs en résidences, de porteurs de projets, d'acteurs du financement et de la mobilité de la recherche et d'institutions qui financent ou accueillent des recherches.
/// is the first French portal that brings together on one single site all funding and mobility calls for proposals addressed to French and foreign researchers in the humanities and social sciences. This channel provides additional testimonials, tips and information from and about researchers, project leaders, research funding bodies and other institutions financing or accommodating research.
00:00Ever thought about a research fellowship abroad?
00:02You have a plan for an individual or collaborative research project?
00:05Did you know that there are plenty of funding schemes
00:08to realize your research project
00:10or your research stay abroad?
00:14But information on such programs is often hard to find.
00:16You don't have time to browse thousands of websites
00:18to find a research mobility program.
00:20Or maybe you struggle to find the perfect funding scheme for your research project.
00:23That's why we launched fundit.
00:26On fundit, social sciences and humanities researchers
00:29can find research grants and mobility fellowships
00:32in France and all over the world
00:34on one single site.
00:36It is very easy:
00:37just click on the section you are interested in
00:40for example "Go international"
00:42and browse the open calls for applications.
00:45Refine your search results
00:47and get all the information you need at a glance.
00:51Never miss out on open calls again:
00:53save your search criteria
00:55and receive an e-mail once a matching call is published.
01:00Fundit also provides additional information
01:03and exclusive guidance on Horizon2020
01:05and other funding programs.
01:09Our blog offers news, guides, and exclusive feedback.
01:16Find answers to your questions in our Linkedin group.
01:19Or simply follow us on Twitter or Facebook.
01:23From now on
01:24you'll be spoilt for choice!
