Scarborough Blasts WH Adviser's Comments On Sunday Talk Shows

  • 7 years ago
Monday morning, the hosts of MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ blasted Stephen Miller for his assertion that judges should not be questioning the president on matters regarding national security.

On Sunday, White House adviser Stephen Miller made the talk show rounds, expressing his support for President Trump’s travel ban and criticizing the judges who ruled against it, notes Mediaite.
Monday morning, the hosts of MSNBC’s ‘Morning Joe’ blasted Miller for his assertion that judges should not be questioning the president on matters regarding national security.
Joe Scarborough commented, “(The president’s decisions) will be questioned, my young, little Miller. They will be questioned by the court — it’s called judicial review. Alexander Hamilton and James Madison wrote about it in the Federalist Papers, it was enshrined in Madison’s Constitution.” 
During the broadcast, Scarborough also noted that if the administration actually acted based upon Miller’s views, “We would have impeachment proceedings within the next six months. Donald Trump would be impeached.” 
Mika Brzezinski voiced her criticism of Miller on the Monday broadcast and via Twitter, writing, “If the WH thinks that is a person they want to put out front-it’s beyond sad for our country. First KellyAnne now this..embarrassed for USA.” 
President Trump also tweeted about Miller, but expressed a decidedly different outlook. 
He wrote, “Congratulations Stephen Miller- on representing me this morning on the various Sunday morning shows. Great job!”