• 8 years ago
Safety Coordination Services is a provider of industrial mould testing and removal, indoor air quality testing, and asbestos testing in Edmonton AB. https://www.safetycoordination.com/

Is your business in need of industrial hygiene assessment services in Edmonton, Alberta? Your company just can not afford to forego standardized occupational health hazard assessments and safety measures.
Safety Coordination Services (SCS) has the expertise and work experience to provide your organization with industrial mould testing services, mould removal, indoor air quality testing, and asbestos testing.
SCS will assist you in the anticipation, identification, evaluation and control of environmental agents present in your workplace that may cause adverse health effects for workers or significant discomfort in the community as a whole.
We will assist you to develop and implement appropriate and cost-effective control measures including engineering controls, administrative controls, and personal protective equipment programs.
Safety Coordination Services provides you with a complete range of occupational hygiene and safety services and solutions.

Call us today at (780) 485-3585 or visit our website at www.safetycoordination.com to learn more about our safety services and on-site safety solutions.


