| Heian Shodan | 平安初段 |

  • 7 years ago
| Shotokan Karate Kata | Heian Shodan | 平安初段 |

Performed by John Mantzaris

Heian Shodan is the first kata in the Heian series and is usually the first kata that a beginner must learn. It has 21 movements and its embusen is roughly I-shaped.

Essential points to learn in H1 include the oi-zuki (lunge punch) and gedan-barai (down block) which comprise over half of the kata. Also of great importance is developing the zenkutsu-dachi (front stance), the main stance of H1.

The student must try to master the arc-like moves of the feet and reversing direction, skills which appear time and time again in all kata. One must also develop power from the hips in both the hanmi (for blocks) and shomen (for punches) positions.

