5 ways to know if you may have a sleep disorder

  • 7 years ago
5 ways to know if you may have a sleep disorder: 1) If you are falling asleep during daily tasks like working, driving or eating even after 7 hours of sleep, you may have narcolepsy. 2) If you constantly find it difficult to fall/ stay asleep you might be struggling with insomnia. 3) If you are making unusual movements that are waking you up with a tingling sensation or numbness in your legs, you may have restless legs syndrome (RLS). 4) If you find it nearly impossible to maintain regular sleep/wake schedules, you may have a circadian rhythm sleep disorder (CRSD). 5) If you are gasping, choking, or snorting while you are sleeping, you may have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), in which your airway collapses while you're asleep.
