Superman and his Scan-Fetichists | Superman flies from "Vega" to Earth


von Mondevana

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Superman and his
flies from
"Vega" to Earth

SA/DCtard Boomstick
[Chad "Bonked by Stick" James]:
"One day Superman
was hanging out
near Vega, the brightest star
in the Lyra constellation."

flies from
"Vega (System)" to Earth
in a short amount of time.
Countdown v1 # 48 (May, 2007)

SA/DCtard Wiz
[Ben(jamin) "Bullshit" Singer]:
"Even if we seriously low ball
this feat to taking
ten minutes,

Superman would be traveling
over 800 trillion miles per hour,
over a million times
the speed of light."

Superman: Unbound (May 7, 2013)

"near Vega".

Clearly visible
in the panel!

See with your
eyes open!
Countdown v1 # 48 (May, 2007)

This is equivalent to
"Sorry I’m late...
I was out
(of Metropolis)

... near Vega (in New York)
when I got your--"
Vega 474 Lorimer St New York

Why would Superman say
"near Vega",
when he was supposedly
"near Vega System"?

It would make no sense.
Especially since he knows,
as well as Jimmy Olsen,
that there are several people
called Vega, like:
Gregorio de la Vega
Millennium v1 # 2
(January, 1988)

What wouldn't surprise anyone,
since even Jerry Siegel's
Golden Age Superman
(Kal-L) of Earth-Two
(June, 1938 - June, 2006)
made a trip to Gay City ...
Superman v1 # 7 (November, 1940)

So he would have had
to say to the clarification
near Vega System ...
... unless he wanted to make
Jimmy publicly jealous ...
... or even humiliate ...

like by Pete Ross,
when he moved
from Smallville
to Metropolis.

"Vega System",
on the other hand,
would have highlighted for readers
how "magnificent" Superman is.
A main concern of DC authors.
No matter how foolish it is.

With hot coffee
in the JLA satellite
it would have been
too boring.
JLA v1 # 32 (August, 1999)

If Superman was in
a different solar system,
it was
repeatedly emphasized.
JLA v1 # 21 (August, 1998)

Unless it was already
shown in panels,
how he got there.
Action Comics v1 # 867 (September, 2008)

But not even
in a flashback
is mentioned
what adventure
he has experienced
near Vega System.

And for
children's comics:

Superman's intimate
memories are private!

If you are wondering
what "S" means:
Secret Identity!

Or "SM":

There is no mention of the
"Vega System adventure" in any
official canon DC series, although
every shit is warmed up several times,
there one leaves the chance to tell
about an adventure near Vega System???

On the contrary!
Two issues before,
he still protected
Countdown v1 # 50 (May, 2007)

Because he wasn't
near Vega System!
Nor Vega,
the brightest star in
the Lyra constellation!

Also from
Superman experts
of Superman sites
no answer!

Or ask the "experts" of the
They only send you results
of a search engine request
from "Superman + Vega",
but no issue!

are members of
the SA/DCtards!

(ScrewAttack! subscribers,
and/or employees,
and DC readers,
who are retarded!)


DC plays
with the stupidity
of the DC readers.

Because April 1st
is only once a year.

By DC,
in any comic.

While Charlie Brown knows
he should be deceived again,
the SA/DCtards never register
that they lie supine
on the ground again.
Sunday strip (October 16, 1983)

the issue was
another try
to fool DCians,
or ...

It has been
0 days
since DC
Comics' did

it was
a typo.

The issue was printed in Canada,
probably in the french part,
in any case in April,
and in the french word Paris,
the S is silent.
So one left it in Vegas.
Countdown v1 # 48 (May, 2007)

are real rogues

Do you
Batman Adventures: Mad Love
(February, 1994)

Both issues,
"Countdown # 48"
and "Mad Love"
were written
by Paul Dini!

Then it would have been
logical that Superman meant
"near Vegas",
because he knows that
Jimmy understands
Las Vegas.

When he was once called
to Las Vegas by Jimmy,
he was also highlighted
how "magnificent" he is
and said and showed
from where he started:
Provo, Utah.
Superman v1 # 711 (July, 2011)

Good to see
with an audible tone
for Superman.
Superman v1 # 711 (July, 2011)


A city is about a
hundred miles away.
It'll take over
seven minutes for
the signal to reach him.
Action Comics v1 # 600 (May, 1988)

Now calculate
how long would
the signal takes
to reach the
Vega System.

Because in space
is nothing
that could conduct
the signal further.

The Mysterious
what is also in
the heads of

"It's better than
nothing at all!"

Good advice, Chad.
If it's drafty,
just shut your mouth.
Just shut your mouth.

JLA telepathic Link,
or hypercom,
has never been installed
in an official canon DC
Signal Watch.
Action Comics v1 # 865 (Juli, 2008)

There are several towns and people
called Vega in "hearing range"
of Jimmy's Signal Watch,
which is just capable of
emitting a high frequency
ultra-sonic signal.

Vega, Haninge, Sweden
6,085 km away from Metropolis!