2011 06 24 At least 3 reasons to kill Gaddafi and loot Africa video created BEFORE the assassination of Muamar Gaddafi

  • 7 years ago
3 reasons to kill Gaddafi and loot Africa : - Telecommunication Satellite - The Gold Dinar project and the central African bank - The 2008 economic crisis Since the Bretton wood "agreement", all the countries in the world are forced to buy and sell their oil in USDollar. Saddam Hussein wanted to sell its oil in Euros in 2001. That' why lot of European countries refused to go at war against Iraq (especially France, under president Chirac). This was secretly considered as an act of war by the US treasury. Two years after, the US government and Colin Powell "discovered" invisible weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and started the 2003 Iraq war (1 000 000 dead at least).
