Automatic line rolling profile cable tray.

  • 8 лет назад
Automatic Profile Rolling Line Cable Tray
The structure of the automatic line includes a sliding mill. It is equipped with special rolling stands, which have the ability to push the work rolls to the desired width. This changes the width of the profile. Height and other bends in the profile can also be changed using razdvizheniya rolling stands. T.est all the same type of profile, you can change the width and height of the shelf without lifting handling crates. All stands restructuring takes less than 5 minutes. To move to a different size is necessary to change the width of the strip, which should correspond to the unfolding of this profile. Production Ukraine Kharkov Sliding mill has many advantages and in particular this configuration flexibility, without transshipment change the width and height of the profile which can be done on a conventional mill.
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