Exemplar giallo dirigido por Sergio Martino. Trilha dos brothers Guido & Maurizio de Angelis entre temas jazzísticos e atmosferas abstratas. No elenco, Suzy Kendall, Luc Merenda e Tina Aumont. Em CD Digitmovies.
Remarkable giallo directed by Sergio Martino. Score by brothers Guido & Maurizio de Angelis between jazzy and atmospheric themes. On the cast, Suzy Kendall, Luc Merenda and Tina Aumont. Released in CD by Digitmovies.
Remarkable giallo directed by Sergio Martino. Score by brothers Guido & Maurizio de Angelis between jazzy and atmospheric themes. On the cast, Suzy Kendall, Luc Merenda and Tina Aumont. Released in CD by Digitmovies.