Al Gore Voices Support For Doing Away With The Electoral College

  • 8 years ago
Al Gore recently voiced his support for doing away with the Electoral College.

Al Gore recently voiced his support for doing away with the Electoral College. 
Gore has long kept faith in the institution, standing by it even after he won the popular vote yet lost the presidency to George W. Bush in 2000, notes New York Magazine. 
In a video shared by NBC News on Tuesday, Gore says, “I’ve changed my view on that. I do think that it should be eliminated.” 
He continues, “I think moving to a popular vote system is not without perils, is not without problems, it’s not a simple one choice is all good, the other is all bad. It’s a balancing act. But I think the balance has shifted, in my mind at least, and I think that we should go to a popular vote." 
Gore further notes that he believes moving away from the electoral system, “would stimulate public participation in the democratic process like nothing else we could possibly do.”