CEO Says His Marketing Firm Will No Longer Do Business With Trump Supporters

  • 8 years ago
A marketing firm in Albuquerque, New Mexico has decided that doing business with Trump supporters is in conflict with its “moral obligation.”

A marketing firm in Albuquerque, New Mexico has decided that doing business with Donald Trump supporters is in conflict with its “moral obligation,” reports KOB.
As such, Matthew Blanchfield, the CEO of 1st In SEO, sent a letter to the company’s clients, noting, “…if you are a Republican, voted for Donald Trump or support Donald Trump, in any manner, you are not welcome…and we ask you to leave our firm.”
The letter further notes, "1st In SEO will do everything in our power to ensure that we break ties with any person or business that supports Fascism. We will communicate our political stance clearly to all prospective new clients."
Blanchfield told KOB that he realizes there is no actual way to relieve the company of the undesired clients unless they admit to backing Trump. 
The CEO also said that he is not concerned with the monetary implications of limiting his client base to liberals as, “The expense financially to me is immaterial. Morality, justice and doing what's correct far supersedes financial gain for me.”
