Spindrifter Splendid Time song lyrics by Sara Mazzolini 2016

  • il y a 8 ans
Splendid Time
Song Lyrics by Sara Mazzolini 2016
Time has come to shine.
I stare at the starry sky.
I uncoil the skein of life.
I taste honey in sunlight.
The dawn of beauty blooms everyday
I taste honey in the Milky Way
Honey hair shines in the sun
I drink the honey dew of dawn
Time has come to shine.
I stare at the starry sky.
I uncoil the skein of life.
I taste honey in sunlight.
My heart blooms with new hope
The bird of dawn flutters at the window
The white rose blossoms in my soul.
I listen to the bird of paradise.
Time has come to shine.
I stare at the starry sky.
I uncoil the skein of life.
I taste honey in sunlight.
Your love stirs the flame of my heart.
Our hands entwine in the lush vineyard.
The deep sea diver finds the treasure trove of language.
We weave silken verses with golden threads of songs.
Time has come to shine.
I stare at the starry sky.
I uncoil the skein of life.
I taste honey in sunlight.
My heart is a butterfly that flutters in the sky.
The princess is shrouded in the veil of mist.
Luminous muse dreams of castles in the air.
I walk in emerald grass and azure sky.
Time has come to shine.
I stare at the starry sky.
I uncoil the skein of life.
I taste honey in sunlight.
Beloved boy, I hail you!
Beloved boy, I hate you!
I taste your poppy lips in my sleep.
My heartbeat is ecstatic.
Time has come to shine.
I stare at the starry sky.
I uncoil the skein of life.
I taste honey in sunlight.
Migrant flight, migrant delight!
Night birds fly down to me.
Rain pours its tears down on me.
I sleep in the midnight sun.
Song Lyrics by Sara Mazzolini copyright France 2016.
