Wow ! What a techniques use lady detective to catch Cheating Partner

  • 8 years ago
It's usually the French who react to marital indiscretions with little more than a Gallic shrug. But now it seems Indians, too, are getting less worked up about dalliances. A survey has revealed that 76% of Indian women and 61% of men don't think that infidelity is a sin or immoral.
You've spotted lipstick on his collar, smelt perfume on his clothes and noticed that smug look of sexual satisfaction on his cheating, lying face.

Here India's youngest female detective Describing the way she works

If you suspect your dog of a husband has been sniffing around other lampposts, it can often be hard to prove your suspicions.

But one private eye wants to help you out.

Akriti Khatri is India's youngest and most popular female detective in India , She is running her own Detective Agency.
