A $4 Million Dollar Internet Bill?! And Pirates Still ...

  • 16 years ago
Can you imagine racking up a 4-million-dollar internet bill and then not paying it? Or what about being hijacked by pirates? These all happened to someone somewhere. We’ve the stories and more coming up next. Welcome to Get-the-Daily-dot-com. I’m Dana Ward here with your news update. Due to some big-time mixups, the Navajo nation – which spans 4 U-S states – may lose its internet service today. It seems in a tribal audit of last year’s spending, the internet provider allegedly overbilled the tribe 2-times the correct amount. That means 4-million instead of 2-million. This caused the universal administrator to withhold half of the payment from the provider. Of course, the internet provider says it will shut down service if payment is not received. The administrator maintains that the questioned 2-point-1-million-dollars will not be paid until the billing is straightened out. Over the weekend, pirates hijacked a luxury cruise ship off the eastern coastline of Africa. According to C-N-N, the 2-hundred-88-foot ship did not have any passengers aboard, as it was returning to port with about 30 crew members. The hostages reportedly have been provided with food as well as washing opportunities. However, France’s Prime Minister said that while he wants to avoid force in freeing the hostages, he is not ruling out any options, including paying ransom. The U-S Navy has been patrolling the waters off Somalia to help decrease piracy, as the country’s government does not have the money or resources to do it itself. An international piracy tracking association estimates in its annual report that global pirate attacks increased 10-percent last year, which was the first rise in 3-years. And a mass chain email is circulating the internet asking readers to boycott filling up their gas tanks as specific company stations. The email says that if everyone receiving the chain stops going to Exxon and Mobil stations for the rest of the year… gas prices will plummet down to the 2-dollar ...
