• 9年前
The sound is clear and clean and free from distortion. It gives quite a blast when the nice lady signals you have reached maximum volume. This is a Bluetooth 4.1 despite what it says in much of the blurb. This technology has been around since December 2013 and is sufficient for the job in hand. Bluetooth 5.0 is being rolled out at the end of 2016 if you are interested. There is also the option to connect by NFC, which in case you don’t know is ‘Near Field Communication’. It is the technology used when you use contactless card payments. It is wise to keep this turned off when not in use as criminals are now using devices to scan people’s pockets to get money from people’s bank cards.

UK: http://amzn.to/2baHCnr, save £2 with coupon code D3VK8YHF

US: http://amzn.to/2aX8t1E, save $3 with coupon code IHHBQ2Y3
All expires at the end of 2016, you should never miss it!


