Green corridors under overhead lines : Triturus Cristarus, the great crested newt

  • il y a 8 ans
Reconnecting ecological networks through existing infrastructures
(Motorway A7 and High voltage line in the Drôme)
The Drôme Department (26) is home to a protected species: the Crested Newt
(Triturus cristatus). Considered «endangered» in the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region (inclusion on the regional Red List of Endangered Species), this amphibian is recognized as a species of interest for the European Community in need of strict protection (registration in Annexes II and IV of the European Directive on «Habitats»).Located along the Drôme, the territory of the districts of
Grane and Allex include several power lines, running through a mosaic of agricultural and forest environments. It also includes the National Nature Reserve of Ramières. Classifi ed in 1987, this reserve covers 346 hectares and includes a wild river (Drôme), gravel banks and islands and riverside vegetation with willow and poplar trees and prairie orchids. (
