• 9 years ago
"The Bodyguard" (fragment), is a 1944 American one-reel animated cartoon and is the 15th Tom and Jerry short directed by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera, produced by Fred Quimby and animated by Ken Muse, Ray Patterson, Irven Spence and Pete Burness. The cartoon features Spike the bulldog in his second role, though this is the first time that we hear him speak. Spike bulldog in this cartoon voiced by the actor Billy Bletcher. It was produced in Technicolor and released to theatres on July 22, 1944 by Metro-Goldwyn Mayer.
Interesting facts:
The second cartoon, in which appears bulldog Spike (first appearance - "Dog Trouble"). But this time he is talking.
Tom's phrase "I won!", and his evil laugh also were voiced Billy Bletcher.
The second of eight cartoons in which Tom wins.


