ARMY CHIEF AND INDIAN AGGRESSION - Dr Farooq Hasnat - Radio Pakistan- Oct 06, 2016

  • 8 years ago
Radio Pakistan discussion Program “Nukta-e-Nazar”
October 06, 2016
In the absence of civilian leadership in Pakistan, when there is a grave threat from Hindu fundamentalist Modi, it’s the pro-active Army Chief Raheel Sharif, who has become a source of courage and inspiration for the people of Pakistan. The other Sharifs (Sharif Brothers) are mum on the question of Indian aggression against Pakistan and activities of RAW. They have not said a word on the Indian spy and its interference in Balochistan, and other Indian terror acts like massacre of Muslims in Modi’s Gujrat and butchery of 68 Muslims in the bombing of " Samjhauta Express". They are not even calling Modi, a terrorist - in spite of his extremist fundamentalist Hindu thinking and his links with such terrorist outfit like “Shiv Sena”. The “Sharif Brothers”, no doubt have proved that their business interests (with India) are supreme to that of Pakistan’s security concerns. It is no surprise that the friends of the “Brothers” are still importing certain Indian vegetables, like onions and tomatoes (commodity that can be early grown in Pakistan). In spite of the fact that India has banned Pakistani artists to perform in their country (Pakistani TV channels and films are already banned in India), the Pakistani government has not officially disapproved Indian films and songs. It’s in the private sector that certain measures are taken to curtain the Indian cultural presence in Pakistan. Sharif Brothers have proved that they are totally unfit to be leaders of the Pakistani nation, as they have lost the trust and faith of the people. It is time that their own party, the Noon League, discard such elements from its ranks. It would be better if Sharif family goes back to their basic profession and abandon politics – it will be a great favor to the people of Pakistan.


