• 9 years ago
For Similar Videos Click http://www.onlymyhealth.com/health-videos/circumcision-sexual-pleasure-1366788396.html

Circumcision basically does not affect sexual pleasure on the other hand it tends to enhance the sexual pleasure because it's the most erogenous part in man's membrane called Frenulum which connects the shaft with the bulb. The accessibility to this particular point becomes more if the skin is retractable and the person has been circumcised. It is believed that the level of satisfaction and pleasure in circumcised people is more than those who are uncircumcised. Earlier people used to believe that circumcision adversely affects the sexual pleasure. But it has been noticed that the most erogenous part of man's membrane is Frenulum which gets more exposed after the circumcision therefore a man tends to draw more pleasure after circumcision than other wise. The pleasure for women also enhances if the partner is circumcised. Watch this video to know more about circumcision and sexual pleasure.
