Bono Says Trump May Be ‘The Worst Idea That Ever Happened To America'

  • 8 years ago
In a recent interview on 'CBS This Morning,' Charlie Rose asked Bono how he felt about Donald Trump and the chances the GOP candidate can make a positive impact on the U.S., and the singer’s outlook was grim.

Bono, in addition to being a talented musician, has proven to be an influential activist and champion for human rights.
He was recently in New York due to the UN General Assembly and, on Tuesday, dropped by ‘CBS This Morning.’
Charlie Rose asked Bono how he felt about Donald Trump and the chances the GOP candidate can make a positive impact on the U.S., and the singer’s outlook was grim. 
He said, “America is like the best idea the world ever came up with. But Donald Trump is potentially the worst idea that ever happened to America. Potentially.” 
Bono also commented, “That idea is bound up in justice and equality for all...I think he’s hijacked the party. I think he’s trying to hijack the idea of’s bigger than all of us. I think...this is really dangerous.”