• 17 years ago
Title: "Break The Walls Down" (Revisited)
Length: 2:48
Creator: ThemeAnthology (If you are going to rip the audio from the vid, at least credit me. It's all I ask.)

So I decided to make my own edit/custom fan made theme. It may be a bit rough for the first time, but I want it that way. I was experimenting with how much I could put into one. This also includes my wannabe custom tron/pic/gif combo thingy. Enjoy. And tell me what you think.

Sadly I don't know how to make a mp3 for this. If anyone knows how I could create a mp3 file out of the original vid, it would be nice. And no, I don't want a site program that rips my vid off of this site.

Songs used (In order):

"Break The Walls Down" (V1) (w/ Intro) +

"Break The Walls Down" (V3) (w/ Intro) +

"Break The Walls Down" (V2) (No Intro) +

"Break The Walls Down" (V4) (2004 Intro) +

"Break The Walls Down" (V1) (Alternate No Intro)
