Somewhat Obedient Bear Breaks Into Sheriff's Office

  • 8 years ago
The Placer County Sheriff’s Office in California has posted a Facebook video which shows a bear intruder appearing to listen to a deputy telling it not to knock over the trash can.

The Placer County Sheriff’s Office recently had an animal visitor which appeared to follow a deputy's commands.

According to the department’s Facebook page, the North Lake Tahoe station in California had a bear enter the building this week; it’s an event which the post describes as “a fairly regular occurrence.” 

The accompanying video shows the brown animal surveying the area before lifting its upper body to explore a nearby trash can. 

Soon after, a voice can be heard saying, “Do not knock over that garbage can.” 

The bear looks over at the person then decides to continue exploring. 

The voice continues to warn the animal about not tipping over the can which somehow manages to stay mostly upright throughout the video.