Air China’s in-flight magazine slammed for racist warning about London

  • 8 years ago
BEIJING — China’s flag carrier Air China is in some seriously hot water after its in-flight magazine included a racist warning about London.

Chinese journalist Haze Fang spotted the offensive article in Wings of China and was so enraged she tweeted London mayor Sadiq Khan about it, reports CNBC.

The magazine’s long feature on London included a description of the city’s tourist attractions and the British fondness for hats, before offering some tips for visitors. Initially calling the city a “generally safe place to travel,” it then recommends caution when going into ethnic neighborhoods, specifically citing areas “populated by Indians, Pakistanis and blacks.”

Tourists are then advised against going out at night, while women are told to have a companion at all times.

Londoners were baffled and outraged at the outdated views, especially given the recently launched London is Open campaign. The Evening Standard reports that UK politicians are clamoring for an apology and removal of the article, though Air China has so far kept mum.

This is not the first time this year a Chinese company has drawn flak for its racist portrayals. A detergent brand apologized in May for an ad showing a black man turning Chinese after being “cleaned” in a washing machine.
