High School is Over Bitches! Jacob Fuck You For Making Me Waste My Time Doing This Upload

  • 8 years ago
Jacob, this is why you use Youtube to MP3 to download important videos like this. Holy Cross sucks as a college. Batman is overrated. Hermione's race doesn't matter. I don't even know lol I'm just fucking with you. You're Joker impression sucks. Batman isn't a superhero, he's a vigilante. The Campus Vigilante isn't a thing. Learn what consent means please (the fantasy world you made up is bullshit). I hope you hear that scratching sound a lot. I have like 2500 characters left worth of insults. You're a fuckboi (yes with an i). This is for making me waste ten minutes of my time uploading this. Listen to a band besides the Arctic Monkeys. Oh and you're totally Grover Underwood


