Anxiety and Panic- How To Overcome

  • 8 years ago
How to Stop Anxiety and Panic Attacks. For the full interview, please visit:
In today's world anxiety problems are still very misunderstood by most people. If friends or family know you have an anxiety problem they 'kind' of understand but often lose patience, especially when it comes to the big occasions like family events or holidays.

You go out for dinner with friends and all you can think about, is if there is a safe toilet cubicle to hide in.

You wake in morning and get sucker punched by feelings of anxiety.

You go to work and are terrified your cover as a 'normal person' will be blown. It can be relentless!

You need someone on your side who understands these fears.

Here at Panic Away we're on your side, we understand what you're dealing. We are here to root for you! Over the years we have built a system of tools and support to help you when you need it most.

I know you will come out on top but I am sure there are times when you feel down and can't keep your motivation up. So how do you deal with this?

You do two things:

1. You must find a strong reason to end this anxiety problem

What's really important to you?
What do you want to achieve in life?
Who do you want to be there for?

Identify the strongest thing and harness that energy to drive you to take action. You have to take action to get a result.

2. Find your real supporters

Surround yourself with the right people for success. Everyone has
advice for you but is it the right advice?

Go to a source you can trust and find people who understand you
and have the right knowledge for you to succeed.

You're here for a reason; you matter. Don't let anxiety steal that from you!

If you are ready, we are waiting to root for you!

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Feel free to DM me for any questions about the Panic Away program, comments, suggestions, constructive criticism, praise, testimonials or success stories.

Thanks for watching!!
