Plants Vs Zombies 2 Update Review Gargatuar Battle

  • 8 years ago
Plants vs Zombies 2 underwent a huge update recently! This is a review the update, and a Let's Play of day 7 and 8 the first Gargantuar battle. The update added a fast forward button that will make the beginnings of levels fly by, an awesome feature. Also really cool is the new Gargantuar battles in every world. Even in the first level you get two big evil bastards to beat down. Another wicked update is they added a whole new world, a fourth world that is marked only by ??? and seems can only be reached by beating the other worlds.

But there is a bad side, they have removed 2 cool features, they changed the whole layout of worlds, from having key gates, and a choice in what powerups you wanted to concentrate on; to a linear world where the best powerup can only be awarded by going through every level in the corresponding world. They also seem to have removed the star levels, you used to have to aquire stars by revisiting levels and beating them while following specific set of rules, like no planting on certain spots, a limit on sun usage, or a limit on amount of plants you can have at one time, etc. These levels were really challenging and fun, and Im dissapointed they are gone.

So I like the addons, but dont like the changes overall, because they took away two cool features...

What do you think of the new update?