• há 9 anos
https://filmow.com/reflections-on-black-t212402/ Um dos primeiros curtas de Brakhage.
"Reflections on Black" (1955) is a trance film striving for a new form that has not yet been born. The “visions” of a blind man give the film its shape. On a street, he passes a prostitute, ignores her, then enters a tenement. He climbs three stories, at each of which he “sees” in a visionary sense, where fantasy and sight mingle together, these three different incidents of erotic frustration.

He affirmed the physicality of the film material within the context of the blind man’s “vision.” Flashes or film flares—the stippled black-and-white effects that appear at the end of a roll of film because of exposure to and leaking of light—are intercut with the first walk of the blind man - they are metaphors of vision. Later, more emphatically, the film-maker scratched with a sharp instrument on the film stock itself, so that a set of brilliant white stars shimmers over the blind man’s eyes, changi


