Study Claims Obese People Aren’t As Smart As Thinner Ones

  • 8 years ago
A new study suggesting obese people aren’t as smart as their thinner counterparts is drawing skepticism.

A new study suggesting obese people aren’t as smart as their thinner counterparts is drawing skepticism. 
According to the research, overweight individuals have "reduced cognitive performance, greater impulsivity, and altered reward processing."
The findings, which are based on the brain images of 32 people hailing from Baltimore, Maryland, associates diminished grey and white matter in some areas of the brain with carrying extra weight. 
Among the regions found lacking were the salience network and dorsal striatum, notes The Telegraph. 
Professor Chase Figley from the University of Manitoba characterized the former as the, "seat of motivation, willpower, and the ability to persevere through physical and emotional challenges."
The latter influences “habitual behavior.” 
Overall, the team believes its research offers an explanation for the poor dietary and health choices made by people who are overweight, reports the National Post. 
However, it remains unclear if the brain changes occur before or after the weight gain


