The Anunnaki started mining in South Africa, about 150 miles inland, west of the port of Maputo. It is the remains of a huge metropolis that measures, in conservative estimates, about 1500 square miles. It's part of an even larger community that is about 10,000 square miles.
200,000 year old mines -ab.zu
The Anunnaki used this area for one striking thing -- gold. They dug for gold in this part of the world for thousands of years
To see the number and scope of these ruins, I suggest that you use google-earth and start with the following coordinates:Carolina -- 25 55' 53.28" S / 30 16' 13.13" E Badplaas -- 25 47' 33.45" S / 30 40' 38.76" EWaterval -- 25 38' 07.82" S / 30 21' 18.79" EMachadodorp -- 25 39' 22.42" S / 30 17' 03.25" E
Then perform a low flying search inside the area formed by this rectangle.Imagem
Eridu(home in far away)-e.din
Ancient Eridu. The first World city and home of Enki In southeastern Iraq, the oldest Sumerian and perhaps world city where the Annunaki gods reigned over mankind.
The Sumerian word, E.DIN, translates as Home of the Righteous Ones. It was in the E.DIN that the city, E.RI.DU, was established. The name has been translated into all languages of the world, including Erde in German, Erthe in Middle English, Ertz in Kurdish, and Eretz in Hebrew.
The word also came to be what English speaking people call Earth. The place where the E.DIN was established was in the lands drained by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, and what came to be known as Mesopotamia. The twin peaks of the mountain called Arrata / Ararat were used as landing guidepoints for the Anunnaki spacecrafts.Nippur
later Nippur and other gold refining facitities were established, to create the layout of the the first Space Port.
415,000 to 100,000b.c ~ A complex of eight cities is established and completed in the E.DIN. By the year 400,000, the city of Nippur / Nibru-ki (i.e. the Bond Heaven-Earth) has been established as a Mission Control Center; and by the year 360,000, Sippar is established for use as a spaceport. Additional cities in the complex include:
Shuruppak, established as a medical center for the use of Ninhursag
Bad-Tibira, established as an industrial center for the purpose of smelting and refining the gold mined in the Abzu
Laarsa and Lagash, established as beacon cities for incoming spacecraft.Baalbek- landing place
The great stone platform was indeed the first Landing Place of the Anunnaki on Earth, built by them before they established a proper spaceport.
It was the only structure that had survived the Flood, and was used by Enki and Enlil as the post-Diluvial headquarters for the reconstruction of the devastated Earth.
It is the only structure on Earth from before the Flood.
Below is an aireal view of Baalbek.Tilmun- Land of the rocket ships near the Dead Sea in the Sinai Peninsula was used as a launch area. untill it was destroyed along with Sodom and Gomorrah by the Anunnaki.Temple mount israel
The platform in Jerusalem was built by the Annunaki, After the Deluge — the Great Flood —as their mission control center.It was established in this particular place because it was equildistant from the spaceport, Tilum that was in the Sinai Peninsula and from a landing platform Baalbek that existed from pre-deluvial times (and still exists) in Lebanon.
And they developed it on a line that connected the mountains of Ararat with the great pyramids in Egypt. That is why mission control was established precisely at that spot. below are the huge stones in the Rabbi Tunnel, which are part of the construction at the base of the platform.Great pyramid
10,500 to 7,000 b.c
After the Deluge, the Anunnaki create a new ’Place of the Chariots’; the original site having been destroyed by the floodwaters.
The new site will exist on the lands drained by the Nile river, and which, many centuries later, will be known as Egypt.
Because the lands are flat and no natural features exist to be used as landing guidepoints, the Anunnaki create two ’peaks’ by constructing four sided, pyramid-shaped structures.
They are designed by NINGISHZIDDA/ Thoth. The largest of the two structures is given the name of Ekur (i.e. House Which Like A Mountain Is) .
200,000 year old mines -ab.zu
The Anunnaki used this area for one striking thing -- gold. They dug for gold in this part of the world for thousands of years
To see the number and scope of these ruins, I suggest that you use google-earth and start with the following coordinates:Carolina -- 25 55' 53.28" S / 30 16' 13.13" E Badplaas -- 25 47' 33.45" S / 30 40' 38.76" EWaterval -- 25 38' 07.82" S / 30 21' 18.79" EMachadodorp -- 25 39' 22.42" S / 30 17' 03.25" E
Then perform a low flying search inside the area formed by this rectangle.Imagem
Eridu(home in far away)-e.din
Ancient Eridu. The first World city and home of Enki In southeastern Iraq, the oldest Sumerian and perhaps world city where the Annunaki gods reigned over mankind.
The Sumerian word, E.DIN, translates as Home of the Righteous Ones. It was in the E.DIN that the city, E.RI.DU, was established. The name has been translated into all languages of the world, including Erde in German, Erthe in Middle English, Ertz in Kurdish, and Eretz in Hebrew.
The word also came to be what English speaking people call Earth. The place where the E.DIN was established was in the lands drained by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, and what came to be known as Mesopotamia. The twin peaks of the mountain called Arrata / Ararat were used as landing guidepoints for the Anunnaki spacecrafts.Nippur
later Nippur and other gold refining facitities were established, to create the layout of the the first Space Port.
415,000 to 100,000b.c ~ A complex of eight cities is established and completed in the E.DIN. By the year 400,000, the city of Nippur / Nibru-ki (i.e. the Bond Heaven-Earth) has been established as a Mission Control Center; and by the year 360,000, Sippar is established for use as a spaceport. Additional cities in the complex include:
Shuruppak, established as a medical center for the use of Ninhursag
Bad-Tibira, established as an industrial center for the purpose of smelting and refining the gold mined in the Abzu
Laarsa and Lagash, established as beacon cities for incoming spacecraft.Baalbek- landing place
The great stone platform was indeed the first Landing Place of the Anunnaki on Earth, built by them before they established a proper spaceport.
It was the only structure that had survived the Flood, and was used by Enki and Enlil as the post-Diluvial headquarters for the reconstruction of the devastated Earth.
It is the only structure on Earth from before the Flood.
Below is an aireal view of Baalbek.Tilmun- Land of the rocket ships near the Dead Sea in the Sinai Peninsula was used as a launch area. untill it was destroyed along with Sodom and Gomorrah by the Anunnaki.Temple mount israel
The platform in Jerusalem was built by the Annunaki, After the Deluge — the Great Flood —as their mission control center.It was established in this particular place because it was equildistant from the spaceport, Tilum that was in the Sinai Peninsula and from a landing platform Baalbek that existed from pre-deluvial times (and still exists) in Lebanon.
And they developed it on a line that connected the mountains of Ararat with the great pyramids in Egypt. That is why mission control was established precisely at that spot. below are the huge stones in the Rabbi Tunnel, which are part of the construction at the base of the platform.Great pyramid
10,500 to 7,000 b.c
After the Deluge, the Anunnaki create a new ’Place of the Chariots’; the original site having been destroyed by the floodwaters.
The new site will exist on the lands drained by the Nile river, and which, many centuries later, will be known as Egypt.
Because the lands are flat and no natural features exist to be used as landing guidepoints, the Anunnaki create two ’peaks’ by constructing four sided, pyramid-shaped structures.
They are designed by NINGISHZIDDA/ Thoth. The largest of the two structures is given the name of Ekur (i.e. House Which Like A Mountain Is) .