• 7 years ago
From new discoveries near the famous Petra city, to the oldest geoglyph ever found, these are 10 AMAZING Archaeological Discoveries ! \r
Archaeologists working at a dig in Istanbul say theyve unearthed nearly 700 small ceramic vials of ancient remedies that date back nearly 1,400 years! They believe some of the curatives were used as treatments for heart disease and depression among other afflictions. Other items were found at the dig, including medical tools, mortars, pestles and a big cooker … which leads experts to believe the location was a major center for drug production. The research team also found plants in a nearby field which could have served as the basis for many of the drugs. Its believed to be the biggest-ever cache of ancient medicine ever discovered.\r
The Plain of Jars -- Located in Laos, this megalithic archaeological landscape is scattered with thousands of stone vessels measuring around 1 to 3 meters … but researchers have yet to identify their original purpose. The jars are found in clusters, numbering from one to several hundred … and date back to the Iron Age. Human bone and teeth fragments found inside the vessels showed evidence of cremation. That evidence, along with bones and pottery fragments found nearby led to theories that the jars were connected to certain burial rites and prices. But nothing can be certain until the sites can be cleared of millions of unexploded bombs and landmines dropped on Laos during the Vietnam War. \r
The Okunev (ah-keh-nev) were a group of people from the Bronze Age that lived in southern Siberia and were nomadic herders known for their artistic diversity. Archaeologists recently discovered the 4,500-year-old grave of a Okenuv (ah-keh-nev) ‘noblewoman (quote/unquote) in Siberia that was holding a small child. Scientists applied the title after also finding some 100 decorations at the burial site … including an incense burner, elaborate carvings, and animal teeth used in a necklace, among other items. Symbols on the incense burner match those found in strange rock carvings in the region.\r
A Load of Bullwinkle? -- In new, a stone structure with the features of a moose was discovered by satellite imagery in the southern Ural (yer-ul) Mountains … and archaeologists were baffled by it. But now, the origins of this enormous moose geoglyph which stretches around 275 meters, may have come to light. Experts have located over 150 small tools near the structure, which were used for breaking stones, or digging … and the small size of the implements suggests that children from a lost civilization may have helped in constructing this artwork some 6,000 years ago … which would predate the famous Nazca Lines in Peru by thousands of years! As for why the huge animal was created … Its still a mystery. But experts think the geoglyph was somehow linked to religious ceremonies\r
The Phaistos (fies-tus) Disc -- This archaeological mystery was discovered in 1908 at Phaistos, a palace site of Minoan (mee-no-un) Crete. Its thought to date back to the Middle Minoan (mee-no-un) Bronze Age, around the second millennium BC. The object is around 15 centimeters in diameter, and is covered on both sides with aof symbols stamped into the surface. 241 tokens comprised of 45 distinct signs were pressed into a disc of soft clay, spiraling in a clockwise sequence toward the center of the disc. Archaeologists have made many attempts to decipher the script … but its still unknown whether these signs might represent an alphabet, or a logography representing words or phrases. Most experts accept the disc as authentic … and agree that until more examples of these signs are uncovered, attempts to decode it will likely fail. If youd like a crack at the mystery code, the disc is currently on display at the archaeological museum of Heraklion (her-ak-lee-un).\r
The ancient rock-cut city of Petra is Jordans most popular tourist attrion and has been inhabited since prehistoric times. Yet it wasnt until recently that archaeologists made a huge discovery just 800 meters south of the citys center … a giant, monumental platform that was essentially hiding in plain sight! The rectangular structure measures around 184 feet by 160 feet … about twice as wide as an Olympic swimming pool! A smaller building centered atop the interior platform and facing a huge staircase was also discovered. How was it found? Scientists used high resolution satellite imagery along with ground surveys and aerial drone photography to locate the structures. Although still unexcavated, the presence of surface pottery at the site dates from around the mid-second century BC … suggesting the monument has existed since then. What do you think it was use


