Human remains recovered from crashed Egyptair flight

  • 8 years ago
A search vessel has recovered human remains from the underwater crash site of the Egyptair flight MS804 which went down in the Mediterranean in May.

Egypt’s aircraft accident investigation committee says what has been found has been delivered to coroners and prosecution officials in the port of Alexandria.

The ship will return to the site to look for more bodies.

The crash

The Airbus A320 was en route from Paris to Cairo on May 19 when it plunged into the eastern Mediterranean

All 66 people on board were killed.

Bodies recovered from EgyptAir wreckage; search to find all 66 victims continues— Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) July 4, 2016

Search vessel recovers human remains at crash site of EgyptAir flight, investigators say— CBS News (@CBSNews) July 4, 2016

Do they know what caused the crash?


The cause of the crash is still unknown.

Have the flight recorders been recovered?


Investigators have started analysing the flight data recorder.

They are still extracting information from the cockpit voice recorder.

Flight recorder indicated smoke before EgyptAir crash— The Atlantic (TheAtlantic) June 29, 2016

EgyptAir wreckage indicates smoke on board— (TIME) June 29, 2016

Initial analysis of the flight data recorder shows there was smoke in the lavatory and avionics bay.

Recovered wreckage from the plane’s front section shows signs of high temperature damage and soot, the first physical signs that fire may have broken out on the aircraft.

Investigation opened

The Paris prosecutor’s office has opened a manslaughter investigation.

A spokesperson says they are not looking into terrorism as a possible cause of the crash.

It is widely reported that experts are looking at technical failure as the most likely cause.


