Vashisht Ashram: A Sylvan Retreat of Tranqil Charm


Vashisht Ashram, located at a distance of around 15 kms south of Guwahati, the capital of Assam, is an enchanting place that is worth visiting. This tranquil place was named after the sage Vashisht. According to the epic Ramayana, Vashisht was the teacher and guru of Rama, who imparted teaching to him and guided his grooming. People believe that during the times of Ramayana, this sage Vashisht had his ashram at this place. Therefore this place has a great significance as per the religious beliefs of people are concerned. Many devotees come here across the country to pay their homage to the great saint and also to experience the tranquility and serenity of this retreat.

Vashisht Ashram has a beautiful location. It is located in the middle of scenic surroundings. This picturesque place has three streams flowing nearby. These three rivulets are named Lalita, Kanta and Sandhya. Due to this wonderful location, tourists also frequent this ashram. Besides the devotees and pilgrims, you will find many common tourists also coming to this beautiful place.