Darren Meade Featured on Fox News

  • 8 years ago
Darren Meade, a CEO, and Investigative Journalist, in 2010, identified the Online Reputation Management sector as an area of growth. Meade's efforts to reveal the dangers of ORM were recently featured on Fox News http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2012/01/20/google-cide-online-reputation-managers-can-wipe-from-web/

Meade was granted the opportunity to speak directly to the United States District Court Central District of California and address Honorable Cormac J Carney for No. SACR 07-00249-CJC at the sentencing hearing for the convicted felons of an Online Reputation Mafia. Meade provided details of the organizational structure of the ORM entities and a two-step process of coupling the creation and posting of online defamatory materials in a fee-for-service of removing of the content from online consumer advocacy websites. Meade's testimony provoked an order from the court for an evidentiary hearing to discover further details on Meade's information. However, the Court subsequently withdrew the order following the receipt of sealed information from the US Attorney's Office.

According to Meade he resigned in February 2010, after a company for which he was the CEO, had funds embezzled to purchase a hacking code which had been sold to the largest players in ORM for over the last four years.

Meade provided explicit details of this enterprise (including contracts, emails, and consensually recorded audio recordings of planning meetings) to the FBI and US Attorney divisions of the Santa Ana, California DOJ.

"My testimony to the Court has now proven true; the code has been used to silence victims, and legitimate consumer complaints about fraudulent business practices, doctors practicing without proper training. It can be used to make content disappear on search engines and private web servers."

Meade said once he discovered the technology was hacking and what its implications were, he made it his mission to warn the public about the dangers this technology poses to free speech. He also understood the institutionalized repertoire of serial defamation, vexatious litigation, and death threats have all be leveled against him in a futile attempt to force him to retreat from his stated goal.

Read more at : darrenmitchellmeade.org
