The Hitch-Hiker (1953)
Approved | 1h 11min | Crime, Film-Noir, Thriller | 16 October 1953 (France)
Two fishermen pick up a psychotic escaped convict who tells them that he intends to murder them when the ride is over.
Director: Ida Lupino
Writers: Collier Young (screenplay), Ida Lupino (screenplay)
Stars: Edmond O'Brien, Frank Lovejoy, William Talman
Approved | 1h 11min | Crime, Film-Noir, Thriller | 16 October 1953 (France)
Two fishermen pick up a psychotic escaped convict who tells them that he intends to murder them when the ride is over.
Director: Ida Lupino
Writers: Collier Young (screenplay), Ida Lupino (screenplay)
Stars: Edmond O'Brien, Frank Lovejoy, William Talman
Short filmTranscript
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00:03:50When you get to the next intersection, why don't you turn south?
00:03:53Chopper Mountains are east, or they were the last time we headed that way.
00:03:57Who needs the mountains? Why don't we go to San Felipe?
00:04:00Nothing to do in San Felipe but fish.
00:04:05That was the idea, wasn't it?
00:04:08Yeah, I guess so.
00:04:11We might just pick up a drink in Mexicali.
00:04:15Remember Floribel at the O'Hanbrook?
00:04:21She's probably dead by now. That was a long time ago.
00:04:24Yeah. Poor old Floribel.
00:04:27Well, there's no harm in drinking a toast to her.
00:04:35You know, except for the war, this is the first time I've been away from Morty and the kids.
00:04:39You want to turn back?
00:04:41No, no, no. We've come this far.
00:04:44Mexicali's beginning to sound good.
00:04:56There's Navy's.
00:05:02I remember that chart.
00:05:08Let's see what we have.
00:05:15Let's write that one down.
00:05:39This is the place, señor. Come right in.
00:05:42Anita's just starting her famous fan dance. You are just in time.
00:05:45Well, might as well take a look.
00:05:47Hey, Gil. Gil?
00:05:52Sorry, friend. No sale.
00:06:02Oh, well. San Felipe, here we come.
00:06:13Out of gas?
00:06:15Yeah. Hop in.
00:06:26We're going to San Felipe. You can pick up some gas there. I'll hit you right back.
00:06:30Waiting out there long?
00:06:35Well, let's go.
00:06:47Gil, light me a cigarette.
00:06:59What are you doing, rolling?
00:07:03Face front.
00:07:06And keep driving.
00:07:10Sure. I'm Emmett Myers.
00:07:13Do what I tell you. And don't make no fast moves, or a lot of dead heroes back there get nervous.
00:07:22From now on, while you're driving, keep both hands high on that wheel.
00:07:25And you, keep one hand along the top of this seat.
00:07:29The other hand high on that window.
00:07:33All right.
00:07:35Now, turn off the next side road we come to.
00:07:49Pull up.
00:07:56Open the glove compartment.
00:08:00What's the box?
00:08:02Cartridges, .22s.
00:08:04Give them to me.
00:08:11Close it.
00:08:16Now, this is how we get out after this.
00:08:19First, give me the keys.
00:08:22Now, we all get out the same side. This one.
00:08:25I get out first. Then you.
00:08:27Stand away from the car.
00:08:29And then you.
00:08:31Let's go.
00:08:40Drop your jackets around your elbows.
00:08:44Turn around.
00:08:49We're going to open the trunk.
00:08:59Pull your jackets around your elbows.
00:09:02Turn around.
00:09:07We're going to open the trunk.
00:09:13Pull your jackets up.
00:09:17You, open the trunk.
00:09:19Both of you, keep your hands on the lid.
00:09:25Throw me the keys.
00:09:28Now, get the blankets.
00:09:30You'd never make it.
00:09:34Get the groceries, you.
00:09:40Whose gun is that?
00:09:42You like to shoot?
00:09:45So do I.
00:09:47So I'm warning you, don't try anything smart with me.
00:10:36I told you my name. What's yours?
00:10:38Mine's Gilbert Bowen.
00:10:40He's Roy Collins.
00:10:42What do you do for a living?
00:10:44I'm a draftsman.
00:10:46He runs a garage.
00:10:48That makes you smarter.
00:10:50Or does it?
00:10:54You ought to be all over that windshield.
00:10:56You got lucky it hit an empty chamber.
00:10:58I had to use it a while back.
00:11:00Now, don't make any more fast moves.
00:11:02I told you the last guy made that mistake.
00:11:10What are you doing?
00:11:36What do you do back?
00:11:39Yeah, we told our wives to expect us home when we got there.
00:11:43You got wives, huh?
00:11:45Any kids?
00:11:47I have.
00:11:48Just keep thinking how nice it'll be to see them again.
00:11:56There's the checkpoint. Slow down.
00:11:58No talking.
00:12:00If I give you the word, step on it.
00:12:08All right.
00:12:32This car rides pretty good.
00:12:35When I get where I'm going, I think I'll sell it.
00:12:38Where are we going?
00:12:42Pull in the next pump. We'll fill up with gas and get a road map.
00:12:46I got an idea.
00:12:48Pretty good one.
00:13:06Speak English, you.
00:13:07I told you he doesn't understand English.
00:13:09And I don't understand Mexican.
00:13:11Never mind the change. Let's get out of here.
00:13:24Give me the map.
00:13:27Give me the map.
00:13:44Take the first side road we come to.
00:13:57Pull up.
00:14:05All right, now get out like I told you.
00:14:13Hey, you're the smart guy. Spread the map out on the hood.
00:14:16I got the map.
00:14:18I got the map.
00:14:20I got the map.
00:14:22I got the map.
00:14:24Hey, you're the smart guy. Spread the map out on the hood.
00:14:33Get your hands up in the car.
00:14:35Look for a town called Santa Rosalia.
00:14:41How far is it?
00:14:43About 500 miles.
00:14:45Is it on the Gulf of California?
00:14:47Say anything in there about a ferry across the Gulf?
00:14:54We're loaded with time.
00:14:56We can make that easy.
00:15:03After that, I won't be needing you guys anymore.
00:15:09Well, I guess we won't be having rabbit for dinner.
00:15:12I wasn't trying.
00:15:25Put the can out on that rock there.
00:15:31Give me the map.
00:15:41Not that one.
00:15:43The other one.
00:15:46That's it.
00:15:49All right, Collins. Put the can back on the rock.
00:15:58Don't forget, this is loaded, too.
00:16:00Let's see you try it.
00:16:02See how good you are.
00:16:09Go ahead.
00:16:19Not bad.
00:16:24Pick up the can.
00:16:28Take it out on that point there.
00:16:31If you don't, I'll let Bowen have it.
00:16:34Out on the point, that's right.
00:16:44Now hold it up.
00:16:46You won't get hurt. Your buddy's good with guns.
00:16:50You're crazy. I won't do it.
00:16:52It's just a game. Go ahead.
00:16:55Collins, hold it closer to you.
00:16:58What's the matter? Are you scared?
00:17:01Hold it closer.
00:17:03You want me to try it again, I might miss this time.
00:17:16Come on.
00:17:42Come on, Gil. Get going.
00:17:47Nervous? Relax.
00:17:52All right, Collins, come on in.
00:17:54Fun's over.
00:17:59You guys worked up quite a sweat.
00:18:23What do you want?
00:18:24Turn on the radio.
00:18:26Why bother? All you get is Mexican commercials.
00:18:29Never mind. Turn it on.
00:18:37What's the matter?
00:18:39I don't know.
00:18:41It's just a game.
00:18:44Get something else.
00:18:46Like what?
00:18:48One of those news guys from the States.
00:18:56...and scheduled for 10 o'clock tomorrow morning at the White House.
00:18:59On the crime front,
00:19:01the police of nine western states, from Washington in the north
00:19:04to Colorado and Utah in the east,
00:19:06have been alerted to keep a close eye on the White House.
00:19:09...and scheduled for 10 o'clock tomorrow morning at the White House.
00:19:12On the crime front,
00:19:14the police of nine western states, from Washington in the north
00:19:17to Colorado and Utah in the east,
00:19:19have been alerted to keep a close eye on the White House.
00:19:22Reports have placed the killer in Florida, Detroit and Seattle
00:19:25within the last 24 hours,
00:19:27although most of these tips have been discounted by police authorities.
00:19:30His latest victim, William Johnson,
00:19:33a salesman from Portland, Oregon,
00:19:35was found late yesterday in Imperial County, California.
00:19:39Shut up.
00:19:45They're not even close.
00:19:47You guys don't have to worry.
00:19:50Not yet.
00:19:52You can start sweating when they put me in this car.
00:19:56If they ever do.
00:20:02And a good, good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
00:20:04This is Sam Hayes reporting your news final.
00:20:06At the top of the news tonight is the report
00:20:08that the hitchhike murderer, Emmett Myers, is still at large.
00:20:11Yesterday, the devil thumbed another ride
00:20:13and William Johnson of Portland asked him to hop in.
00:20:16Now, William Johnson is dead.
00:20:18In an all-out effort to apprehend Myers,
00:20:20the police have set up roadblocks on all major highways in the western states
00:20:23and all border stations are being closely watched.
00:20:26Myers is slight, 28 years of age.
00:20:28He's wearing a dark shirt, dark gray trousers,
00:20:31and a black leather jacket.
00:20:33His right eyelid is partially paralyzed.
00:20:35If you have possession of any information
00:20:37regarding the whereabouts of this individual,
00:20:39please communicate with your nearest office of police
00:20:41or office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
00:20:55Pull up.
00:21:28Each of you take one.
00:21:36Get around the car.
00:21:41We camp here tonight.
00:21:54I know what you're thinking, Collins.
00:21:56You haven't got a chance.
00:22:01You guys are going to die, that's all.
00:22:04It's just a question of when.
00:22:07Santa Rosalia,
00:22:09that's the end of the line.
00:22:12If the cops find out we're together
00:22:15or if you try to cross me up.
00:22:25You know, you make pretty good targets from where I sit.
00:22:30Anyway, you couldn't tell if I was awake or asleep.
00:22:35You have one bum eye.
00:22:38It won't stay closed.
00:22:41Pretty good, huh?
00:23:35We're getting out here and buy some grub.
00:23:38We get out of the car like usual.
00:23:40You guys go in the store ahead of me.
00:23:43No Mexican.
00:23:44I'm talking to you.
00:23:46When he tells you how much you pay, is that clear?
00:23:50Now, one other thing.
00:23:52If you don't pay me,
00:23:54I'm not going to let you go.
00:23:57I'm not going to let you go.
00:23:59I'm not going to let you go.
00:24:01I'm not going to let you go.
00:24:04I'm going to have my hand in my pocket.
00:24:06So far, my record in Mexico is clean.
00:24:08I want to keep it that way.
00:24:10Let's go.
00:24:19Good morning, gentlemen.
00:24:35Good morning, gentlemen.
00:24:38I have a great supply of fruits and vegetables,
00:24:40clothes, shoes,
00:24:42at the same price as in Tijuana.
00:24:44What did he say about Tijuana?
00:24:45He says their prices are about the same as in Tijuana.
00:24:48Never mind the kid.
00:24:52What do you want?
00:24:53Some beans and stuff.
00:24:55And tomato soup. I like that. Get four cans.
00:24:58He wants four cans of beans,
00:25:00four cans of tomato soup, three cans of chili.
00:25:03It's yours now. He doesn't understand English.
00:25:05You're not talking Mexican.
00:25:07Take the cans off the shelves. Give them to Collins.
00:25:24I can take some more.
00:25:32Come on, load it up.
00:25:36That'll hold us.
00:25:37Pay him.
00:26:00Get her away from me.
00:26:03Put the kid down. Let's get out of here.
00:26:05Come on, Collins.
00:26:14What did you say to her?
00:26:16You wouldn't understand.
00:26:17What did you say to her?
00:26:21I said, go you with God, little one.
00:26:32Let's go.
00:26:44Get in.
00:26:48Hey, mister.
00:26:49You live in El Centro?
00:26:51I live there sometime. Nice place, huh?
00:27:32Come on, let's go.
00:28:03Where'd you get the watch, Bowen?
00:28:07My wife gave it to me.
00:28:09Throw it over here.
00:28:15Didn't you hear me? I told you to throw it over here.
00:28:33I had a watch like this once when I was 17.
00:28:38Nobody gave it to me.
00:28:40I took it.
00:28:42Knocked off a broken-down jewelry store
00:28:44in a little jerk town outside of Tulsa.
00:28:48It was a cinch.
00:28:51You guys are soft.
00:28:57I'm sorry.
00:28:58You guys are soft.
00:29:03You know what makes you that way?
00:29:07You're up to your necks in IOUs.
00:29:11You're suckers.
00:29:14You're scared to get out on your own.
00:29:16You always had it good, so you're soft.
00:29:21Well, not me.
00:29:24Nobody ever gave me anything.
00:29:26So I don't owe nobody.
00:29:31My folks were tough.
00:29:34When I was born, they took one look at this
00:29:36puss of mine and told me to get lost.
00:29:40I didn't need them.
00:29:42I didn't need any of them.
00:29:44Got what I wanted my own way.
00:29:49When you get the know-how and a few bucks in your pocket,
00:29:52you can buy anything or anybody.
00:29:57Especially if you got them at the point of a gun.
00:30:00That really scares them.
00:30:03You ever been at the other end of a gun?
00:30:08And I never will be.
00:30:14I'm gonna listen to the news.
00:30:27Turn it up. We'd like to hear what's going on.
00:30:30You just get the grub ready.
00:30:32Anything interesting, I'll let you know.
00:30:37We gotta find an excuse to raise the hood of the car
00:30:39and put that radio out of commission.
00:30:42First time he finds out they're looking for us together,
00:30:44we're through.
00:30:45Never mind the radio.
00:30:46I'm not gonna take it anymore.
00:30:47We gotta get him.
00:30:48You can't beat him that way.
00:30:50You give him one good reason,
00:30:52he'll give you another.
00:30:53We gotta take the chance.
00:30:54As long as he needs us, we'll stay alive.
00:30:58When he gets ready to jump us, we'll jump him.
00:31:00Not before.
00:31:02Maybe today, maybe tomorrow.
00:31:06All right, now.
00:31:10They found Johnson's car.
00:31:17They know where he is.
00:31:19They're gonna find him.
00:31:21They know I'm in Mexico.
00:31:24And they're looking for you, too.
00:31:27In the Chocolate Mountains.
00:31:30Where are the Chocolate Mountains?
00:31:33In Arizona, near home.
00:31:34Not in Mexico?
00:31:40Well, what do you know?
00:31:44That's where you told your wives you were going, huh?
00:31:47Then you came to Mexico.
00:31:51What for?
00:31:57You boys ought to be ashamed of yourselves.
00:32:00Causing all that trouble.
00:32:02Telling lies.
00:32:05They got everybody and his brother
00:32:06looking for you in them mountains.
00:32:21I told you to turn the radio on.
00:32:22I did.
00:32:24Takes time to warm up.
00:32:28Try another station.
00:32:33Stop it, stop it!
00:32:34I can't, I gotta pull up and disconnect it.
00:32:36Then pull up!
00:32:51Paul, raise the hood.
00:32:53Keep your hands on it.
00:32:58All right, Collins, get to work.
00:33:00Get the right one the first time.
00:33:04Don't pull the radio wire!
00:33:14Faster, faster!
00:33:15I thought you were a mechanic!
00:33:16I'm going as fast as I can in a few minutes.
00:33:18I thought you were a mechanic!
00:33:19I'm going as fast as I can and the threads are frozen.
00:33:33Watch it.
00:33:48Come on.
00:33:54Throw the tools in the back.
00:34:12The radio, remember?
00:34:13Make a sound and pull it up.
00:34:15The radio, remember?
00:34:16Make it work.
00:34:22I can't.
00:34:26Pull up.
00:34:29So you did bust it, Collins.
00:34:33Cut it out!
00:34:34He didn't do it, it's the static in the hills.
00:34:37Stations aren't strong enough in the daytime.
00:34:38Tonight it'll work.
00:34:39Tonight it better.
00:34:41Take the wheel.
00:34:45Now, in Punta Prieta,
00:34:48in August 7th,
00:34:50three Americans stopped for provision
00:34:52at a store owned by Jose Andrade.
00:34:55Andrade gave an accurate description of Meyer
00:34:58as being one of them.
00:35:00Another witness stated
00:35:02that three men came out of the store
00:35:04and drove away in a green sedan
00:35:06bearing the same plate.
00:35:08This confirms our theory
00:35:09that Collins and Bowen are with them.
00:35:11He seems to be heading south, all right.
00:35:12Staying clear of all main highways.
00:35:15Now, to the west, this is more or less barren
00:35:18and would afford no means of escape.
00:35:20His most logical move would be
00:35:22Santa Rosalia.
00:35:30Make sure that fire's out.
00:35:32Pour the coffee on it.
00:35:36Get down!
00:35:38Get down!
00:35:49I gotta get a closer look at that car.
00:35:51On your feet.
00:35:53Through there.
00:35:54At the other end, lie flat.
00:35:55Get going.
00:36:07Get going.
00:36:32Get a move on.
00:36:34What are you trying to do, wreck it?
00:36:35Take it. Drive like I tell you.
00:37:00What did I tell you?
00:37:01Shut up! Get that spare tire out and go to work. Move!
00:37:04Shut up! Get that spare tire out and go to work. Move!
00:37:27You keep working. Keep your trap shut no matter what. I'll be watching.
00:37:34You keep working. Keep your trap shut no matter what. I'll be watching.
00:37:44Good morning, gentlemen. Are you American?
00:37:48Do you need any help?
00:37:51That's strange. They don't answer me.
00:37:53The search for Gilbert Bowen and Roy Collins, now believed to have been last seen with Emmet Myers, mass killer, is being stepped up by the hour.
00:38:09Helicopters are working in shifts, scouring the entire area from El Centro South to the Gulf of California.
00:38:15The planes are maintaining close liaison with the ground, reporting isolated cars and campers.
00:38:19The Mexican police have now joined this strange race against death.
00:38:50Two men. Please get down.
00:38:52With pleasure.
00:39:01Mr. Alvarado, I think you know something. If we show you the photograph, possibly...
00:39:06Did you two pass on the road?
00:39:08Yes, sir.
00:39:09Did either of you look like this one?
00:39:12We don't know, sir.
00:39:14How many kilometers from here did you pass?
00:39:16About ten kilometers.
00:39:19On the same road?
00:39:20On the same road, sir.
00:39:21Thank you very much.
00:39:22You're welcome.
00:39:23You can go now. Stay on this cruise. I'll see if I can catch you.
00:39:46I'll see if I can catch you.
00:40:17El Centro, California
00:40:41Hold it right there.
00:40:59Break the lock.
00:41:16Okay. One of you on the pump.
00:41:46One. Two. Three. Four.
00:42:00I don't care about the gas. My dog. They hurt my dog.
00:42:06I'm sorry, my friend. Let's try to clear this up.
00:42:09I found this ring next to the gas pump, and it has an inscription inside.
00:42:14Marty and Gilbert Bowen.
00:42:19May 12, 1941.
00:42:23Yes. Yes. In front.
00:42:27Now, as you will notice, when interrogated at the roadblock,
00:42:31the man and his wife were very definite in their statement that they only saw two men.
00:42:35This was below El Arco.
00:42:37There is a point, however, which we feel is of importance.
00:42:40The couple stated that the behavior of the men seemed strange.
00:42:43That they refused to talk to them.
00:42:45Of course, there's a possibility that Myers may have been concealed nearby,
00:42:49covering the two men, which would account for their behavior.
00:42:51We are following true on that possibility.
00:42:53Now, on the assumption that Myers is listening to the car radio,
00:42:57we're issuing these broadcasts in the States,
00:42:59containing false information as to his whereabouts,
00:43:02and not connecting the two men with him.
00:43:04We'd appreciate your cooperation in following the same procedure.
00:43:07We'd appreciate your cooperation in following the same procedure.
00:43:26This ought to be the main highway.
00:43:28It isn't.
00:43:29What do you mean?
00:43:30Looks like an abandoned airstrip.
00:43:32Well, it's okay for tonight. Head over there.
00:43:38No, Ray, you're wrong. You're wrong.
00:43:40There's no use in trying to talk me out of it. Tonight, I'm going to chance it.
00:43:43You're running your mind.
00:43:44I've played it your way long enough. From now on, we're each on our own.
00:43:47It's no good. We've got to stay together. I told you that.
00:43:49I get a break. I'm going to take it. You do whatever you want.
00:43:51But I...
00:44:07I love you.
00:44:37I love you.
00:45:07I love you.
00:45:38Across the runway, there's trees.
00:45:51Keep going!
00:46:07Keep going!
00:46:16You guys are really dumb.
00:46:18Why, you dirty...
00:46:23Thought I was asleep, huh?
00:46:26You know, you're beginning to get ideas.
00:46:29I don't like that.
00:46:32Load them in the car.
00:46:34Everybody's all washed up for the night.
00:46:37Let's go.
00:47:08Over there.
00:47:37You, Collins, throw a rock down that shaft.
00:47:53Nice and deep.
00:47:55This is fine.
00:47:56Cut it out! If you're going to kill us, do it and get it over with!
00:47:59Thought you never killed without a reason.
00:48:02Go get the rest of the canned goods out of the car.
00:48:06We'll have a real good meal.
00:48:24Let's go.
00:48:55Save them for the next guy that picks you up.
00:49:00Anything you say.
00:49:03We interrupt this hour of music to bring you a flash bulletin.
00:49:05California and Mexican police officials
00:49:07have abandoned their previously held theory
00:49:09that Emmett Myers is connected
00:49:11with the disappearance of Gilbert Bowen
00:49:13and Roy Collins of El Centro, California.
00:49:15They have been missing since last Sunday night,
00:49:17supposedly on a fishing trip.
00:49:19The police on both sides of the street
00:49:21The police on both sides of the border now feel
00:49:23that Myers is traveling alone
00:49:25and has apparently abandoned his intention
00:49:27of seeking escape by way of Santa Rosalia.
00:49:35What do you know?
00:49:38This kind of changes my plans.
00:49:42Looks like you and me are going fishing after all.
00:49:48On your feet.
00:49:51After the car, let's go.
00:49:55We're not going anyplace.
00:49:58Stand up!
00:50:09What did you do to it?
00:50:10There's a great big hole in that crankcase.
00:50:14All right.
00:50:15We'll walk.
00:50:18Just what that sore ankle of yours needs, Collins.
00:50:20A nice long hike.
00:50:30Get up!
00:50:36Now get the fishing gear out of the back.
00:50:40Now get the fishing gear out of the back.
00:51:10Stay with it.
00:51:11They'll never leave you out here alive.
00:51:14Cut the gab.
00:51:28Get down!
00:51:40Let's get going.
00:51:48Maybe we'll have to leave you here.
00:51:51Too bad.
00:51:57Come on, Roy, try.
00:52:04Come on, Roy, try.
00:52:09Come on.
00:52:39Come on, Roy, try.
00:52:40Come on.
00:52:41Come on, Roy, try.
00:52:42Come on.
00:52:43Come on.
00:53:06Here we are!
00:53:07Can't you see us?
00:53:10Oh, can't we ever come here?
00:53:15Oh, please, God, hear me!
00:53:18Hear me!
00:53:21Come back! Come back!
00:53:33Leave him alone. Can't you see he's praying?
00:53:37Leave him alone.
00:54:07Leave him alone.
00:54:37Get under the bridge, quick!
00:55:31Go ahead, if you can stand the filthy stuff.
00:55:53You know, Collins, you're just about my size.
00:55:57Put you in a black shirt and dark pants...
00:56:00with a leather jacket.
00:56:03He looks just like Emmett Myers.
00:56:06To anyone who never saw him.
00:56:09Ain't nobody in Santa Rosalia ever saw him.
00:56:14Let's change.
00:56:22Get up on the bank and take your clothes off.
00:56:33Come on, get up.
00:57:03Let's go.
00:57:24Get out of there!
00:57:33Get out of there!
00:57:36Get out of there!
00:57:38Get out of there!
00:58:02Looks great, doesn't it?
00:58:04You won't be there long.
00:58:06There are cops down there. In those clothes, they might shoot you.
00:58:10And it'd solve all your problems, wouldn't it?
00:58:13Not if they found they made a mistake, it wouldn't.
00:58:16We'll hit some little joint in the outskirts.
00:58:19I might even buy you boys a beer.
00:58:22Get moving.
00:58:31Buenas tardes, señores.
00:58:33Give us three beers.
00:58:35I don't speak English.
00:58:39He doesn't speak English.
00:58:41Three beers.
00:58:43When I want you to talk next, I'll tell you.
00:58:46Sit down, Collins. Rest your sore foot.
00:58:53You can talk it now.
00:58:55Ask him about the ferry to Guaymas. I'll be watching his face.
00:58:59If he starts looking frightened, I start shooting.
00:59:03¿Cuándo sale el Chalon para Guaymas?
00:59:07Los martes y viernes a las nueve de la noche.
00:59:10Friday, that's today, and Tuesday at nine o'clock.
00:59:13Ask him where we catch it.
00:59:15¿Dónde puedo embarcar?
00:59:17En el muelle. Pero ahora no pueden embarcarse.
00:59:20Porque el mes pasado se quemó y lo están reparando en Guaymas.
00:59:25You're out of luck.
00:59:27The ferry burned up. It's being repaired in Guaymas.
00:59:31You're lying.
00:59:33Ask him if he knows anyone who speaks English.
00:59:46He says he has a cousin who speaks English. Follow him.
01:00:00The Americans want to talk to you.
01:00:04I'll leave you here with my cousin. If you need anything...
01:00:07Trust me.
01:00:31¿Tienes un barco automático?
01:00:33¿Conoces a alguien que tenga un barco?
01:00:35Claro, claro. Mi amigo Jaime tiene uno.
01:00:38El barco funciona bien.
01:00:40¿Cómo podemos llegar a este Jaime?
01:00:42¿En el barco donde trabaja?
01:00:44No está terminado hasta las seis.
01:00:46Lo arreglaré para ti mañana.
01:00:48Quiero ir ahora.
01:00:50A las seis.
01:00:52Cuando mi amigo termine el barco, no hay sol.
01:00:57Mi amigo no le gusta usar el barco demasiado en la noche.
01:01:03Él ve a su esposa y a sus hijos solo en la noche.
01:01:09¿Para m�
01:01:11¿Pagas a mi amigo también?
01:01:13Estarás aquà a las ocho.
01:01:15El nombre del barco es Estrella.
01:01:20Mil gracias, señor.
01:01:28Vamos a la ciudad y esperamos por el agua hasta que se enoje.
01:02:10Espera un minuto.
01:02:42Es mejor ir a pescar cuando tienes la oportunidad.
01:02:44Es por eso que viniste aquÃ, ¿verdad?
01:02:49Ustedes son muy tontos.
01:02:52Si no lo fueran, uno de ustedes se hubiera ido.
01:02:56Pero se quedaron pensando en uno al otro.
01:02:58Asà que perdieron algunas oportunidades.
01:03:01Se cansaron.
01:03:03Se aceleraron.
01:03:06Ahora es muy tarde.
01:03:09SÃ, mañana estaré en Guaymas.
01:03:13Tanto mal que no estén conmigo durante toda la via.
01:03:17Eso serÃa un poco tonto, ¿verdad?
01:03:23Ustedes odian, Myers.
01:03:26Ustedes odian.
01:03:28Igual que sus ropas.
01:03:30Seguro que llegarás a Guaymas.
01:03:32Pero ellos te atraparán.
01:03:34Y te quitarán de su miseria.
01:03:37Ustedes no tienen una oportunidad.
01:03:39Ustedes no tienen nada excepto esa arma.
01:03:41Es mejor que se queden conmigo.
01:03:43Porque sin ella, no hay nada.
01:03:45Se acabaron.
01:03:47Se acabaron.
01:04:18¡Llamen a la policÃa!
01:04:22¡Bueno, bueno!
01:04:24¡La policÃa!
01:04:25¡No, no, no, no!
01:04:26¡La policÃa!
01:05:07Muy bien, Collins.
01:05:09Ahora podrás caminar por ti mismo.
01:05:12Por la calle y fuera del parque.
01:05:14Yo y Bono seguirán.
01:05:15Si intentas detener a alguien, déjalo.
01:05:18No querrÃas que eso sucediera, ¿verdad?
01:05:45¿Quién es?
01:05:47¿Quién es?
01:05:49¿Quién es?
01:05:51¿Quién es?
01:05:53¿Quién es?
01:05:55¿Quién es?
01:05:57¿Quién es?
01:05:59¿Quién es?
01:06:01¿Quién es?
01:06:03¿Quién es?
01:06:05¿Quién es?
01:06:07¿Quién es?
01:06:09¿Quién es?
01:06:12¿Quién es?
01:06:13¿Quién es?
01:06:14¿Quién es?
01:06:23¡No, no, no!
01:06:30¡No tes!
01:06:31¡No tes!
01:06:32¡No tes!
01:06:38¡No tes!
01:06:40No tes...
01:06:41¡No tiene!
01:08:41I'll go. I'll go.
01:08:44Put your hands up.
01:08:46Walk this way.
01:08:49Do as he tells you, Myers.
01:08:51You're all through.
01:09:38That's enough.
01:09:40That's enough.
01:09:52I'm sorry.
01:09:54We'll have to have full report.
01:09:56You understand?
01:10:02It's all right now, Roy.
01:10:04It's all right.
01:10:10© BF-WATCH TV 2021
01:10:40© BF-WATCH TV 2021