• 9 years ago
Please watch: "OverWatch - Reaper from Hell (Heroes Guide ) "

Overwatch -McGree Western Shooter (Heroes Guide ) .Hit the Like ! :D

We continue our great series with a new offensive hero from Overwatch.Today we're gonna talk about McGree our little Clint Eastwood look-a-like has great precision while firing and kills everything in his sight.
With 4 abilities at his side the peacekeeper combat roll flashbang and deadeye makes him a little easier to handle .
He can multitask and while in the combat roll he can also reload his peacekeeper in the process without any effort done. Our Clint Eastwood throws a blinding grenade that explodes shortly after it leaves his hand making his enemies blind but be carefull this is a small radius flashbang but certanly he can handle him self with the dead eye while he focuses marks the target and draws to kill. The weaker his targets are the faster he'll line up a killshot.

Hope you guys enjoy!

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