How to make dead batteries work and what to do with dead batteries

  • 8 years ago
How to Make Dead Batteries Work and What to do with Dead Batteries
Hey guys, it’s James George here, from Chicago, and chances are you have landed on this video because you are searching for a solution for how to make dead batteries work, and what to do with dead batteries.
That is what I want to share with you in this video.
Not long ago, I was clueless, that dead battery could be restored to 100%, and used instead of buying a new one. Last year I had a colleague of mine, who was learning that, and actually quit his job! He started a very successful business from home, reconditioning various kinds of battery, and selling them for a nice profit. I knew him, he definitely wasn't very skillful, and good with any DIY tasks. When he has shown me what needs to be done, and how he was doing it, I realize, that everybody actually could manage to recondition, almost any kind of a dead battery, and to use it, instead of buying a new one.
And the best part is, that it's very easy and inexpensive.
I had a charger and I used it before…. And that was all I knew about battery maintenance. Now, from my colleague, I learned, that reconditioning, is very different from recharging.
Recharging will restore your battery for a limited time only, while when you recondition it, you can restore it to its full capacity.
I have done a few kinds of battery for myself. Most of the steps involved in battery restoration are common techniques. Taking the trouble to learn them, will not only save you heaps of money, but also help to protect the environment from the hazardous waste, that old batteries contribute to.
If you would like to check out the system that I found, you can find it all at
What you will find over there is a video, that Tom Ericson put together, that teaches you exactly how to recondition all kinds of battery.
This is the very system, that provided me and my colleague with the solution we were looking for, when you were searching for how to make dead batteries work and what to do with dead batteries. The link should also be in the description box, and you will be presented with all the information over there.
If, on the other hand, you want to learn some general simple tips and tricks how to extend the life of your car, laptop, solar bank, or almost any kind of battery, you could visit this informative website: Do I mention, that Tom Ericson offer a full 60 day, 100% satisfaction money back guarantee, on his step-by-step battery restoration and business guide?
