• 9 years ago
The Tailored Fit PowerMTA Services*

You tell us "what", and we tell you "how"

After requiring acquiring a powerful PowerMTA licence, the software needs to be properly installed and configured. With over 300 pages of manual describing over 200 configuration parameters, you feel very overwhelmed. You need an expert who can translate your needs and requirements into a working configuration while avoiding all the pitfalls, and including best practices from experienced senders.

You may have been using PowerMTA to for a very long time but there might be some or few of it's feature that you might missed. Thus preventing you from using it's maximum potential and maybe you have experienced that the delivery of emails may take long, or there may be many temporary errors and retries. But all these challenges are just few of the many reasons why we provide our PowerMTA services because we've been down the road before and just like you, We are experience failure too.

Should you wish to stop experimenting & making things happen don't hesitate to reach us at www.pmtasetup.com . We will be happy to assist you today.
