• 9 years ago
top 10 celebrities with really bad habits!
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Celebrities walk among golden clouds of sweet smelling fame and grace the covers of their own
airbrushed lives day in and day out, right? Wrong. Believe it or not most celebrities are just like the
masses that idolize them and in regards to the sweet, famous humans on this list they might just be a
whole lot more gross. One would think that with an army of dermatologists, trainers, stylists and top of
the line cleaning machinery that these idols of society would be a step ahead of the rest of us when it
comes to “Cleanliness is next to Godliness” but once you take a look at this list you'll realize things
couldn't be further from the truth. From not using deodorant or brushing their teeth to drinking their
own urine, these are famous people with some truly foul habits.
For some reason or another we as a society keep looking up to celebrities... or at least hang on
every detail of their peculiar lives. Sometimes a door opens into the lives of the people we idolize
though, and we wish we could just keep it closed... I mean... oh no, don't put that in your mouth
Hayden! I mean... when you gotta itch, you gotta itch.

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