Five years on, America remembers the day we got Osama bin Laden

  • 8 years ago
WASHINGTON — Five years after U.S. Navy Seals killed Osama bin Laden, President Barack Obama admitted the ideology of terror had not been defeated.

The world was still a dangerous place despite the assassination of the al-Qaida leader, Obama told CNN in an interview. However, Obama said the killing of bin Laden sent a message that the U.S. would seek revenge on those who attacked the country.

Conflicting accounts exist about bin Laden's death at the hands of U.S. Navy SEALs on May 2, 2011.

It's widely agreed the raid was conducted by about two dozen SEALs, who flew into Pakistan from Afghanistan.

Two Black Hawk helicopters carrying the SEALs arrived at bin Laden's Abbottabad compound 30 minutes after midnight, local time. One of the helicopters crashed inside the compound, but no-one aboard was seriously injured.

Contrary to initial reports, there was no firefight at the compound, investigative reporter Seymour Hersh wrote in the London Review of Books last year.

Reports at the time said three men and a woman were killed in the raid, along with bin Laden. One of the men killed was reportedly bin Laden's adult son, Khalid.

Only one of those killed by the SEALs was armed, an unnamed U.S. official said in a 2011 ABC News report.

Accounts also differ about what happened when SEALs encountered Bin Laden on the third floor of the house.

SEAL Robert O'Neill said he shot bin Laden twice in the forehead as the al-Qaida leader hid behind a woman for cover. However, Hersh wrote that according to his sources, bin Laden was found cowering and shot dead.

President Obama told CNN the raid served as evidence he wasn't afraid to act forcefully for American interests.

Obama said he hoped bin Laden's last thoughts were to realize America hadn't forgotten the 3,000 people killed by al-Qaida on 9/11.

But the president acknowledged the U.S. had to tackle the threat of terror by working with its allies to address the political and economic grievances that help extremists to recruit members.


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