• 9 years ago
We shoot the 11-87 Compact 20 Gauge. There is a lot to like about this gun.
A review on the Remington 11-87 sportsman super magnum. this is a semi automatic sporting shotgun. THIS IS NOT TACTICAL!!!!!! Some points i forgot to .
This is a rambling review of the Remington 1187 shotgun. The model I have is the 1187 sportsman in 20 gauge. I have had 3-4 years to use this shotgun and its .
The higher priced gun not worth it Peter Caine Dog Training.
A review of the 11-87 12 guage gas operated shotgun. We look at the 11-87 Premire and the 11-87 Police. The 11-87 incorporates a self compensating gas .


